yesterday was Valentines day, and while contemplating about the good old times jotted down my memoirs of past Valentine days , the old glory and not so glory days, but just a sketch of tuning points or highlights..irrelevant and mundane to some ,good content for life-styles research ( yeah, my a..-!) etc...so here goes..
my first (school days)
it was H.from Meuseus then, remember me doing an excursion to Liberty Plaza (hip joint ,then) in order to buy THE card , a gift and then went over to Fab to buy a cake.yeah, true! a CAKE. what a wanker i was then! got her to sneak into my home , Parents were out of town, so was the pestering younger brothers too. got the domestic to go out and buy some odd paper , so that in the mean time i could sneak her in. same detail to sneak her out.rest is beep beep beep.. ( censer).anyway, it was good, childhood love kind of thing.
later on (post AL-jobless but rich)
very much free, unchecked in and outs , happy and roam free kind of
life.by that time it was
R. from Meuseus. took her out to lunch at PitzzaHut, yes , that PizzaHut at Union Place.again it was Hip those days, and by far the munch was far better than whats now fit for Pigs.yeah, that was it then.very much a formal upstart kind of love, conservative and strictly no 'monkey buissness' . in fact the monkey in me tried to put a hand into her skirt (yeah,Gender insensitive content) and... not a good move.. still remember her peach red face.!
NGO 'yes' man (clean suit/empty pocket)
this was the beginning of the golden era.N.from Colombo Uni was on tow now and what a great time it was.mindless ........ and lots of it. no questions asked .. it was like open season then. lasted few years. so, on a particular V.day took her to Negambo , early morning , checked into Browns Beach Hotel ( i think) had a good time, gifts and stuff.. got a engraved pen ( yeah, not one of the best..a Pen ??? ) anyway, that was good time.repeated the same routine in Hikka , UK (Usewetakeiyyawa) and even Kandy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!subsequent years.
new Millennium (employed /jet setter/affluent life)
yes , went international , European girl friend, S from _ (too much detail by now, some one might ID me ) .height of the golden era. took the train to Venice. yes, Venice ,Italy, that town on stilts! it was good time again. went on the 'Ombra Longa" sipping cheap wine for free from one bar to another. never took the Gondola through the canals as you seen on movies and Mags. was too expensive (not that i couldn't offered to -but more to do with it being a 'tourist' thing reserved for Japanese and Americans. next year (or the previous one ,not so sure V.day was in Marrakesh , Morocco.-got the girlfriend to fly down there ,i as on work not in Marrakesh but a shitty 'conflcit affected' area of Morocco .was there for couple of months ,doing a crap 'assesment' .glory days, lasted few years always with proper Airlines ,no cheap Virgin kind of gigs, frequent flayer miles,upgrades at check in ,business lounges, drinks by the sunset,Body Shop ( only) stuff as proper toiletries etc,rented out apartments in two continents at the same time etc.
circa 2008 (whatever)
V.day...wife leaves to work early morning ,rips all the 'change' in my purse (Rs.1,600.00+) her 'transport dues' so I'm told..., wake up late, baby-sit the kid till Mom in Law turns up, wash kids cloths, boil them in hot water, rinse and hang out to dry, clean fish pond, go over to the local Hardware shop, clean and polish an antique chest of drawers (inherited from Grand mom) ,
and yes, go out for a special V.day outing in the eve.
turns out to be my special V.day outing was to meet up with two socially bankrupted (like me, they had nothing else to do!), morally destitute good old mates from the civil society.had 7 bottles of beer , 2 plates of 'egg and savory chili omlett' ( or whatever, can you have 'egg' along with an Omelet in the first place?) and a plate of 'mixed noodle' ( know unto God and the cook of course, when it comes to figuring out mixed with what) and talked about the good old days, the decay of a once vibrant civil society ( -at times contributed in changing governments (! ? ) -I'm told ) ,stooges of ex-boss, intra-politics of _ , con-federalism of _ units ,FMM, UN in Sri Lanka , Press Institute, taking USAID for a ride ,Charls Abesekara , J.Uyangoda, elections ,R.Premadasa, M.Rajapaksha, ethnic conflict, war and war against terror, extraordinary renditions , disappearances ,up coming election in Batti and a mind blogging plan of one of the luminaries of the Civil Society (Colombo based-English only type), on Gender something ( this was well after 5-6 bottles of beer.. of course ) ..etc (in no particular order)
return home late, the wife gives the cold shoulder ( fair enough) , kids fast asleep.(missed the small man!)
all in all it was a memorable Valentines day for me ,rather 'about turn' from past V.days that i had and an indicator of whats in store for me!
yes, many irrelevant, mundane , bloated ,macho,insensitive, irresponsible , rude and offensive content. apologias for any pain caused.life's a bitch , live to the full.