Monday, May 5, 2014

meeting (reading) pilosoper (philosopher) of our times today...

it was fate logged into twitter after a while and what do i come across well nothing apart from the usual rants about everything Sri Lanka Mahinda lokka bad Govt bad bad and the rest like some game and and some more bullocks until some guy had posted an image of a Facebook post of one TheSilva AKA Harith or to his friends Harry and that image of the post got me thrown off the chair now that's God isspeaking for me so there i go post that very post here for the common good of all in the Sri Lankan bogspear meet the pilosoper real philosopher of our times

also yes this post somehow got no punctuations and i kind of forgot to add them in the beginning so I'll leave them here ,,, ... ;; ' ' " " ( )  pls add them as you see fit

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