Thursday, January 24, 2008

my reply to Prabakarans comment on Cerno

Prabakaran ,

great to have you checking Cerno these days!

your right on have control and you too have GoogleEarth too.we all know that.also congrads on the use of GE for your mil ops.and yes , i do agree with you on the location and the placing of the X-ray base.and what a wanker this Cerno and the lot is, to think they can track you via GE.

but sadly , it seems the SLAF not only know the locations well, but also seems to know exactly which vent hole or window to drop the laser guided bunker busters through , just like what happened to that guy called 'Tamilchelvam'.
even this is the case with the Special Forces people, unlike your boys who claymore a bus full of passengers on a road side , the SF knows exactly when and where you and your croonies pass-by on the road. when you talk to ( in hell) late 'Col.'Charles he will confirm you this.

rest assured that SL military doesn't use GE, (its after all 2003-5 era pix ,and never upto date) they have HISAR ,UAVs mounted with TI /ground penetrating rader and even covert eyes on the ground , observing every move of you and your cronies.

so , dear Prabakaran  do enjoy your visits to SL blogs like the stuff in Kottu , especially Cerno ( and moi too!) , but make sure to make the best of it as your days are numberd.

may be its better to dug a very deep hole (+500m) with no extra openings (vent holes,escape tunnels etc) and stay inside, and make no noice, don't go out and keep no contact with rest of the world. this way you may have a bit more time to live , unless there is a Kfir or a MiG high up Vanni , awaiting to come down and drop a laser guided Bunker buster with your name on it.
as for the rest of us  bloggers ,we tend to do our own bit , and some might spend their afternoon listning (after paying thousands of Rups), to crap about some self proclaimed 'experts' talk about how serious we are, we continuesly ponder around and dig shit , just like me the Ooorumiyaa . while you check our blogs , there is the SLAF jet that skimms above your rooftops and the SF team that lurks behind the bushes near your deep hole or a SLAF UAV that hover above Vanni for what seems for like eternity.
got it? we are disctracting you! its called  a diversion tactic and great generals like David Blacker and Sittingnut have come up with this stratergy. so my advice is that you take a long crap and piss under a palm tree, dig a great deep hole and blalbal as i mentioned earlier.

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